Konjac Foods

Konjac Shirataki Oat Apple Fiber Pasta - Linguine 8.8oz (Pack of 24)

Regular price $59.00

Konjac Oat Apple Fruit Fiber Linguine Pasta 

Konjac oat Apple fiber pasta is made from the mixture of konjac fiber, oat fiber and Apple fiber. Konjac oat Apple fiber pasta has very low calories, and high in soluble and insoluble fiber. Konjac glucomannan fiber, which are water soluble dietary fiber derived from the konjac root. Apple fibre is a fine-grained Apple fibre made from the Apple pomace generated from the processing of Apples. With the typical flavour and taste Apple fiber is a high quality source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Apple fiber has many applications as an ingredient in the human food markets. It contains at least 35% dietary fiber, which helps with cancer, diabetes, digestive health, heart health, and weight management. The Apple fiber also rich in naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants retained. Apple fibers also offer a multitude of product development benefits, such as enhancing mouthfeel, increasing viscosity, providing structure, replacing fat, and retaining moisture.

Health benefits of konjac oat Apple fiber pasta

  1. Promotes digestive regularity and a healthy intestinal tract
  2. Strengthens immune and lymphatic systems
  3. Work as a cholesterol-lowering agent
  4. Remove unhealthy fats before they are stored in the body
  5. Research suggests that Apple fiber may battle or guard against colon tumors by accelerating the elimination of toxins
  6. Improve and maintain optimal blood-glucose levels
  7. Sooth irritated intestinal lining

Konjac oat Apple fiber pasta also enhance bowel function and to help remove toxic substances from the digestive tract.

Oat fiber is mainly the insoluble fiber (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose)- it's made from grinding the non-digestible oat hull. When you eat oats fiber it decreases cholesterol absorption in the intestinal tract. Oat fiber is capable of absorbing a lot of liquid and since oat fiber doesn't break down in the digestive track it also helps to prevent constipation by bulking up the stool.

Oats are also rich in a specific type of fiber called beta-glucan. Beta-glucan in konjac oat Apple fiber pasta, which is not digested by humans, serves as a valuable substrate for fermentation by bacteria in the colon. Oat fiber might work by blocking the absorption from the gut of substances that contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Konjac oat Apple fiber noodles come in a wet form and are pre-packaged in water. Within three main ingredients konjac fiber, oat fiber and Apple fiber, konjac oat Apple fiber pasta as part of an overall healthy diet. The possible health benefits include reducing the risk of coronary artery disease, lowering levels of cholesterol, and reducing one's risk of colorectal cancer, prevent diabetes, help for losing weight etc.

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